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At Wath Academy, there is a clear and proven correlation between good attendance and educational achievement. We firmly believe that regular and punctual attendance is fundamental for students to fully benefit from the rich academic, personal, and social opportunities our school offers. It is within this context that we emphasise the importance of maintaining an attendance level of 97% or above for all our students. By attending school for at least 97% of one school year, your son/daughter will have experienced fewer than 10 days of absence, ensuring they make the most of their educational journey.

While we understand that students may occasionally fall ill, we kindly ask parents to consider the necessity of keeping them at home for minor illnesses. We wholeheartedly encourage students to be present in school, as every day they are absent means missed learning opportunities.

At Wath Academy, we are committed to creating a supportive and nurturing learning environment. We listen to students and parents, offering support to overcome any challenges they may face, but we do not tolerate persistent unexplained absences or lateness. Working together, we can foster a culture of regular attendance and active engagement, empowering our students to achieve their full potential academically, personally, and socially.


  • There is a clear link between good attendance and higher levels of attainment.
  • Good attendance promotes lifelong skills.
  • Attendance is the first thing employers ask about




Green - No Risk

Yellow - Risk of Underachievement

Amber - Serious Risk of Underachievement 

Pink -Severe Risk of Underachievement

Red - Extreme Risk - Risk of Fine


At Wath Academy, all students are expected to be in school in good time for Period 1. Please note the following AM registration times: -

  • All students are expected to arrive on site before 8:20 am at which point the school gates will close.
  • Students arriving after this time will be given a late mark for AM registration and issued with a same day C3 detention.

Good punctuality is essential for students to make the most of their learning opportunities. Students who are regularly late to lesson or that are found to be truanting lessons will face appropriate sanctions e.g. late report card / detentions.

It is the responsibility of everyone in our academy to teach students the skills they will need in adult life. Encouraging and promoting good attendance and punctuality are vital aspects of our duties. Students must understand that consistent absences or lateness can negatively impact their future job prospects or college placements. Our goal is to instil a sense of responsibility in our students and help them establish positive patterns for their future. Parents also play a crucial role in supporting this endeavour.

At Wath Academy, we recognise and reward good attendance and punctuality. However, if any circumstances arise that might prevent your child from attending, establishing good communication links with us is essential. This allows us to address any issues promptly and ensure your child can resume their learning at the academy as soon as possible.

For more information, you can download our Attendance Policy or get in touch with the Attendance Team. They are always happy to answer any questions you may have.


At Wath Academy and under the guidance of Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council, we emphasise the importance of regular school attendance to support your child's educational progress and future prospects. We urge all parents/carers to work collaboratively with the Academy and the Local Authority to ensure the best possible outcomes for their children's education.

In cases where a student's absence is deemed unauthorised by the Academy, the Local Authority may take necessary actions, including the possibility of prosecuting parents. It is crucial to be aware of the potential consequences:

  • Parents/carers may be subject to fines of up to £2,500 or imprisonment for failing to ensure their child's regular attendance at school.
  • Magistrates also have the authority to impose a Parenting Order, requiring the parent to attend a counselling and guidance programme, often in the form of a parenting class.
  • As an alternative to prosecution, the local authority may issue a penalty notice of £60. Failure to pay within 21 days could result in an increased fine of £120 within 28 days. Persistent failure to pay may lead to prosecution.

As a parent/carer, it is your responsibility to ensure that:

  • Your child receives a full-time education. 
  • Attends school regularly.

Even if your child is absent from school without your knowledge, you are still held accountable for their attendance. Failing to fulfil this responsibility may result in the issuance of a penalty notice or legal action being taken against you.


It is important to be aware that the Academy is unlikely to approve an absence for a holiday during term time.

According to the law, parents do not have the right to take their child out of school for holidays while the school term is ongoing.

The Principal is not allowed to authorise any absence from school unless there are exceptional circumstances.

If you believe that there are exceptional circumstances warranting your child's absence from school, you must apply in advance by writing to the Principal using our Leave of Absence Request Form. In your request, clearly explain the dates and reasons for the leave of absence.

If the Academy declines your request for leave of absence, and you still choose to take your child out of school, please be aware that this will be recorded as an unauthorised absence, which will be noted in your child's record.

In such cases, you may also receive a Fixed Penalty Notice for the period of absence. Fines are issued to parents and carers at a cost of £60 per child, per parent, if paid within 14-days of issuance.

Please take note that all absences on the last week of the term will be considered unauthorised unless supported by medical evidence. Such unauthorised absences may contribute to the fining process.

We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring your child's regular attendance at school, which plays a vital role in their academic progress and overall development.


At Wath Academy, we firmly believe in the value of regular school attendance and the significant role it plays in fostering academic success and personal development for our students. As an educational institution, we adhere to the Department for Education's guidance on attendance, ensuring that our students receive the best possible educational experience. This guide aims to provide parents with a clear understanding of the difference between authorised and unauthorised absence, the reasons for our decision-making, and the steps we take to support students' attendance.

Authorised Absence

Authorised absence refers to any instance where a student's absence from school has been approved by the school in advance. We understand that certain circumstances may arise that require students to be absent from school, and we are committed to considering such situations with empathy and fairness. The reasons we may authorise absence include, but are not limited to:

  1. Illness: When a student is unwell and unable to attend school, we request that parents inform us as soon as possible. Medical evidence, such as a doctor's note, may be required for extended absences.
  2. Medical Appointments: Sometimes, students may need to attend medical appointments that cannot be scheduled outside of school hours. In such cases, we encourage parents to provide us with the appointment details in advance.
  3. Family Bereavement: We understand that the loss of a loved one can be a challenging time for students and their families. With prior notification, we will authorise absence to allow for bereavement support.
  4. Religious Observance: We respect and accommodate students' religious observances and may authorise absence for religious events and practices.

Unauthorised Absence

Unauthorised absence, on the other hand, refers to any absence where the school has not been notified in advance or the reasons provided do not meet our criteria for authorisation. It is essential to understand that unauthorised absence has a detrimental impact on a student's educational progress and can disrupt the learning environment for the entire class.

Monitoring Attendance

At Wath Academy, we closely monitor attendance records for all students. As attendance falls below 95%, we follow Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council's Student Attendance Matters Pathway to address any concerns effectively. This pathway involves collaboration with parents, students, and external agencies to identify and overcome any barriers to regular attendance.

Supporting Students and Parents/CARERS

We believe that strong communication between school and home is key to ensuring successful attendance. We actively encourage parents to communicate any issues affecting their child's attendance promptly. Our dedicated Attendance Team is always available to provide guidance and support to parents and students in addressing attendance challenges.

By working together, we can help our students build positive attendance habits, promote a love for learning, and achieve their full potential.

For further information on school attendance and support services, please refer to the Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council's website at School Attendance – Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council .

We thank all parents/carers for their cooperation and commitment to their child's education at Wath Academy. Together, we can create a thriving and inclusive learning community that empowers our students for a successful future.


Ensure that your child attends school regularly and arrives on time. Lateness can be very disruptive for the class and your child. If your child is late after registration closes, this will be counted as an unauthorised absence.

If your child is absent from school, you must either [Ideally before 8:20am or as early as you can on the first day of absence]:

  • Phone the Academy Attendance line giving the reason for absence.
  • Send a message using Class Charts.
  • Call at the Academy, to notify them about the absence, the reason and expected return date.
  • Provide medical evidence where absence is due to illness whenever possible.

The reasons your child should not be kept away from school include:

  • Looking after brothers or sisters
  • Minding the house
  • Visiting relatives
  • Long weekends
  • Shopping trips
  • Birthdays
  • Holidays during term time

Please note: once your child’s attendance drops below 92% all further absences will be unauthorised unless you can provide evidence to the contrary, at which point we will authorise the absence (see our Attendance Policy for further information).

Please avoid making medical appointments within the school day. Where this cannot be avoided, please contact the school in advance, and where possible please come and collect your child from the Academy via our Reception.

For all attendance related issues please call our Attendance Team on 01709 760 222 Option 2. 


Working together with Wath Academy makes a difference for your child.

Help us to ensure that:

  • We all are responsible for promoting our school culture and a positive community culture.
  • Rules are observed.
  • Students arrive in the correct uniform.
  • Students arrive with their bags, planners, and writing utensils.
  • Discipline and good behaviour are maintained.
  • Other students and school staff are respected.
  • All tasks and homework are completed.
  • Our school buildings and facilities are cared for.

We will inform you of:

  • The daily starting and finishing time.
  • Term and holiday dates
  • Other days when the school will be closed.
  • Drops in attendance.
  • Improvements in attendance.

We will inform you if:

  • Your child is not attending.
  • Your child is frequently late.
  • Homework is not being completed.
  • Unacceptable behaviour in school.
  • Your child achieves an attendance reward or incentive.