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We would like all students to develop a love of reading at Wath Academy. We recognise there is a strong association between the amount that students read for pleasure and their progress in vocabulary, spelling and maths. Not only this, but by reading for pleasure this can increase empathy, improve relationships, give an insight into the world views of others and shape responsible citizens.



The 60 books have been chosen with students in mind to help develop your character and become responsible citizens. The books will expose students to a range of narrative voices from across the globe and offer a range of wider experiences. Key themes include that of prejudice, ambition, mental health and relationships. Such key themes will help to develop empathy and emotional intelligence. Copies of each book are available in our Library. Happy reading!



Book Title Author
Alex Rider Stormbreaker Anthony Horowitz
Matilda Roald Dahl
The Brilliant World of Tom Gates Liz Pichon
Tall Story Candy Gourlay
Private Peaceful Michael Morpurgo
Boy in the Tower Polly Ho-Yen
You are a Champion - How to be the best you can be Marcus Rashford
Holes Louis Sachar
Ballet Shoes Noel Streatfeild



Book Title Author
The Boy in the Stripped Pyjamas John Boyne
A Wrinkle in Time MadeleineL'Engle
Melissa Alex Gino
Skellig David Almond
The Dog Runner Bren MacDibble
The Illustrated Mum Jacqueline Wilson
Goodnight Mister Tom Michelle Magorian
Planetarium Chris Wormwell and Raman Prinja
Booked Kwame Alexander
Emil and the Detectives Erich Kastner



Book Title Author
The Hate U Give Angie Thomas
The Hunger Games Suzanne Coll
The Hobbit J.R.R Tolkien
A Monster Calls Patrick Ness
Anne Frank - The Diary of a Young Girl Edited by Otto H. Frank and Mirjam Pressler
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Mildred D. Taylor
Illegal Eoin Colfer and Andrew Donkin
YouCan't Belnd In.. When You Were Born To Stand Out R.J Palacio
Eve of Man Giovanna and Tom Fletcher




Book Title Author
Looking for Alaska John Green
Lord of the Flies William Golding
The Sade Ghost Club Lize Meddings
Liccle Bit - Have you ever dreamed too big? Alex Wheatle
Nothern Lights Philip Pullman
Under My Hat Tales from the Cauldron Jonathan Stahan
The Midnight Library Matt Haig
Animal Farm George Orwell
Jon for Short Malorie Blackman
Heartstopper - Volume 1 Alice Oseman



Book Title Author
The Fault in our Stars John Green
The Lovely Bones Alice Sebold
Noughts & Crosses Malorie Blackman
Little Women Louisa May Alcott
Thicker than Water Anne Cassidy
The Colour Purple Alice Walker
Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen
The Book Thief Markus Zusak
One of Us is Lying Karen M. McManus
1984 George Orwell



Book Title Author
The Handmaid's Tale Margaret Atwood
A Swift Pure Cry Siobhan Dowd
The Reason I Jump David Mitchell
The Great Automatic Grammatizator & Other Stories Roald Dahl
Truly Deyious Maureen Johnson
13 Reasons Why Jay Asher
Sherlock Holmes and the The Hound of the Baskervilles Arthur Conan Doyle
Dreams From My Father Barack Obama
Black Beauty Anna Sewell
The Stand Stephen King



During tutor time, you will be given the opportunity to evidence your reading of the books by engaging in a discussion with your tutor. Your tutor will then tick and sign your planner helping you to make progress against the reading milestones:

Read 50 books - GOLD

Read 25 books - SILVER

Read 10 books - BRONZE